Finding the Right Fit for Your Household & Private Staff

We have all been in the position where we hastily took the job that was “too good to be true” or hired the employee that was “too good to be true” only to find out that it was, in fact, too good to be true.
Finding the Right Private Staff
In finding the right staff, the number one thing to take into consideration is chemistry (which is a way more complicated concept that it seems on the surface). It is bigger than a skill set or list of experiences. It is about style, personality, goals, expectations, morals, character, and so much more. Humans are all fundamentally different and since humans make up a workplace, companies and homes are also quite vastly different in the way they operate.
The Importance of How We Pair Candidates and Clients
As a staffing professional, you have the benefit of making people very happy when you give a deserving candidate and employer a great opportunity to connect and work together. The staffing professional, or agency, takes everything into consideration – understanding there is more to workplace dynamics than fitting a resume into a job description. It’s a bit more of a “needle in the haystack” type of thing. Agencies benefit from visiting the home or office of the person who is looking to hire, as it gives them a greater understanding of the needs and environment. They also benefit from long relationships with their candidates. As a candidate continues to stay in touch, express how their job search has been going, and share their experiences with a recruiter, they will be that much more understood (and also top-of-mind).
A great placement is about finding a complimentary work style, environmental needs, team dynamics, growth potential, and so much more that fulfills the wants, needs, and the dreams of the people you work with. It is about taking the strengths and weaknesses of each person working together and having them all fit together, like a puzzle, to create a completed image.
Why Personalities & Chemistry Help Ensure Long Placements
With that being said, chemistry can be more valuable than skills. There is something to be said for seeing the potential in a candidate, and giving them the opportunity to achieve that potential through being mentored in the right environment rather than attempting to stuff someone into a position which is clearly not the right fit. It may work for a little while, but something will always be wrong.
It is important to be patient and find value in the right fit, as both an employer and job seeker. It helps ensure a long term working relationship and gives you the foundation to build a happy and harmonious life.
About Private Staff Group
At Private Staff Group our technologies, our recruitment team and our candidate networks are second to none when it comes to finding the personal, private, and domestic professionals you can count on. Ensuring you are paired with the right candidate is our top priority. To learn more about what we can do we invite you to contact us today.