Optimizing Your Home and Domestic Staff

Who is managing whom?
Whether you have one employee or six, how do you spend less time managing and more time doing what you love?
Ironically, when you made your first private staff hire, your goal was to have more personal time. Time consuming frustration can come from: inconvenient time-off requests, low productivity, staff turnover, recruitment and interview time, explaining and monitoring, etc.
How can you reduce your staff management time and increase your enjoyment of your home, family and friends?
- Create an employment agreement, which specifies responsibilities, time off, compensation and other expectations. This makes everything clear
- Set up an organizational structure- who reports to who? Get yourself out of the loop.
- Schedule a regular time for performance reviews and communications. Once a month?
- Be knowledgeable about market rates for salary and hours. Don’t lose a valued and trusted employee.
- Always be thinking of back-up plans. You never know.
- Review security, confidentiality and asset protection plans. Twice a year.
- Be generous, respectful and appreciative. Your kindness will be well rewarded.
If everyone is clear, you are inspecting what you expect and communicating regularly, management time will dramatically decrease and productivity and quality will increase.
Contact Private Staff Group for samples of:
- Job Descriptions
- Employment Agreement
- Confidentiality Agreement
- Performance Review